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Pedale del freno Gilles TITANIO Ref : GILL00021A / 1091852

Prezzo pubblico consigliato : 181,20 €
Prezzo con codice MB24 incluso
su richiesta
Aggiungi al carrello 154,02 €
Spedizione gratis a partire da 159€ -> Opzioni di consegna

DescrizionePedale del freno Gilles TITANIO

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Dettaglio prodotto :

This set of fully adjustable brake and gear levers allows to find a perfect postion for all needs. Play free levers and CNC aluminum made part with hard anodizing were details of this great set which matches perfectly the color of other optional parts for this motorcycle. The rubber covered toe piece on the shift side provides comfort and the wide toe piece on the brake side allows better function.


Caratteristiche :
GILL00021A / 1091852

Compatibilità moto

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DUCATI modelli compatibili
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Domande e risposte

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