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Filtro dell'aria Tecnium Filtro aria KX60 86-02/RM60 03-05 KAWASAKI 60 KX 60 (KX60B) - 1985 - 2003 Ref : TE00439A / 1098786

Prezzo pubblico consigliato : 14,40 €
Prezzo con codice GP24 incluso
su richiesta
Aggiungi al carrello 12,24 €
Spedizione gratis a partire da 159€ -> Opzioni di consegna

DescrizioneFiltro dell'aria Tecnium Filtro aria KX60 86-02/RM60 03-05

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Dettaglio prodotto :

The dust, sand and impurities that this filter catches are the number one enemies of such vital components as the pistons, cylinders and valves, to name but a few. Promoting maximum air intake, Tecnium air filters are sure to catch all foreign bodies from reaching your engine throughout the entire race.


  • A first aerated foam layer catches impurities
  • A denser second foam layer catches any smaller impurities and favours the air flow
  • Flame retardant foam (uniquely for 4-stroke competition engines in case of flame return)
  • The breathable gasket guarantees maximum contact with the body of the filter casing
Caratteristiche :
TE00439A / 1098786
Standard & standard

Compatibilità moto

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KAWASAKI 1 modello compatibile
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Domande e risposte

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